Does Your Website Have a Purpose?

Jun 13, 2024

Why does your business have a website? If you can't come up with a definitive answer within a minute or so, then the chances are it doesn't have a purpose! You probably built it because you felt like you were supposed to have one! However, if your website doesn't have a clear purpose and defined goals, often you may as well not have a website at all. Let's talk about the importance of clearly defining a vision for your website that includes goals and objectives and how an internet strategy consultant can help you achieve that.

Defining the Purpose of Your Website

It can be tricky to define the purpose of your website because, depending on the unique needs of your particular business, your website might serve a number of different purposes. Some businesses may focus on driving online purchases to increase their bottom line, while others use it to connect with potential customers. It is important to take some time to think about what your business needs from its website and overall online presence. As an internet strategy consultant, some of the most common purposes behind business websites include the following:

  • Corporate Branding - Your online presence can help portray your business' mission. What are your values and capabilities? It can also contribute to building stronger brand recognition.
  • Sales Support - Your website can be an excellent tool for your sales team to identify and engage with potential customers by showcasing your products and services.
  • Customer Service - A well-designed website can help your customers easily access additional information in the form of manuals and instructional guides and connect with your team for help.
  • E-Commerce - An e-commerce website can help you sell products and services directly to your customers online, allowing you to extend your reach beyond what a brick-and-mortar shop would allow.
  • Online Community - Allow customers to connect with each other and your employees to discuss your products and get support whenever needed.

It's easy to think that your business needs a website simply because everyone else has one, but when you take the time to think carefully about your business goals, you will start to see a deeper purpose in having a website. Once you discover what that purpose is, you can take steps, with the support of an internet strategy consultant, to ensure that your website is designed to serve that purpose.

Website Goals & Objectives

Once you have identified your website's purpose, you need to evaluate your existing website and decide if it serves that purpose. If not - you need to make some changes, whether that means starting fresh with a whole new website or revamping the existing one. An internet strategy consultant can help you determine which route you need to go down. Start by setting goals and objectives relating to your website's primary purpose. Some of the options that you might want to consider include:

  • Generate More Leads
  • Increase Online Sales
  • Educate Consumers
  • Create a Positive Brand Image

Once you have those goals laid out, you need to ensure that your website is set up to make those goals achievable. For example, if you want to generate more leads, your website will need a clear call to action to direct your visitors to complete a contact form. If educating others is your goal, you need engaging, educational content that shares relevant, accurate information with your visitors - and it must be organized in such a way that it is easy to find! An internet strategy consultant can guide you towards the necessary features your website needs to meet your goals.

Website Design & Optimization

The design of your website is an incredibly important part of ensuring it serves its intended purpose. Your website needs to look beautiful, but it also has to be functional. 42% of people say they will leave a website if it has poor functionality, and 90% of users distrust websites with poor design! As an internet strategy consultant at bluedress INTERNET MARKETING®, we craft every website with its overall purpose at the forefront. It won't just look good; it will also be user-friendly and intuitive. With a combination of carefully planned web design and the right search engine optimization techniques, we can create a website that supports the growth of your business and helps you achieve your goals.

Designing a High-impact Website

In April 2024, there were around 1.13 billion websites online, with more launching every single day. If you want your website to stand out above the crowd, it needs to be high-impact! Internet users have notoriously short attention spans, so you need to be able to make an immediate impression. High-impact designs and stunning visuals can do that. However, as we have previously discussed, it also needs to be functional. An internet strategy consultant can work with you to strike the right balance between aesthetic design and functionality.

If you are ready to redefine your website to give it a clear purpose and defined goals, we can help! With bluedress INTERNET MARKETING® as your internet strategy consultant, you can build a custom-built high-impact website to meet your business's goals. Let's build something spectacular together!


To Your Best Online!


Ingrid Maddox, Internet Marketing & Strategy Consultant. bluedress INTERNET MARKETING®, an Internet Marketing Company headquartered in Knoxville, TN. Internet Marketing Developed, Implemented, and Managed to Full Circle! Organic Internet Search Engine Guru. Turn-Key Internet Optimization Programs Placing You Everywhere and Anywhere You Need to Be Online.
